Full Moon RefleCtions

Summer is winding down and a full harvest moon is here. I miss my babies, even though they are sleeping just one wall away. We’ve leaned hard into family and community lately, all the activities and outings, and socials and book club and dinners and things. And it fills my cup as much as it wears me out (quite a bit, on both counts). I have so many new art pieces in the works, and yet, as always, I still want more. I am playing with a few ideas for entirely new endeavors. And, I am proud of myself, as I’ve also been gaining ground on some goals I’ve had for some time now (mostly in the self-care, education, and productivity genres.) but these days are flying by, and I try as hard as I can to enjoy every moment of them. ✨


The first sweet light of summer


Dreamy Orange Creamy Layers