Memorial day weekend 2021; A wedding and two funerals
It’d really be more appropriate to title this, “two funerals and a wedding”, because it really was a funeral-wedding-funeral sandwich, but I wanted to put the more optimistic event first. Don’t get me wrong, all three events were of equal importance; but when you tell people you’ve got to go to two funerals in one weekend (even without mentioning the happiness of the wedding in between them!) then they give you that head-tilting pity look and I just hate that. So, thusly the title for this post became, A Wedding! And two funerals. Although it could have also been titled; Zach and five months pregnant Annie honor family in three different celebrations, in two different states, in 36 hours with no sleep. Either way.
We’ll go chronologically; this post is mostly for a photo dump, although I’ve got plenty to say about each part of the trip so far, but I just didn’t want to lose the important pics in the murky depths of my camera roll. It was a truly unforgettable weekend in so many ways, and it all went down so smoothly (for which I will be eternally grateful.)
Hug your people. <3